The final product and the brainchild of team Bazooka, Phlegm Fatale.

Esha Durrani
Hello reader! My name is Esha Durrani. I have wanted to be a filmmaker and editor for as long as I can remember, therefore I was elated when I heard that media studies was being offered as an A-level subject. I also adore graphic designing, digital art, and photography. Adobe software's may just be my best friends and my worst enemies at the same time. Apart from that, I like to spend my time cooking, playing table tennis ( I suck at it), and dyeing my hair red.
I'm curious to see where this journey takes me, and what color my hair will end up by the time it finishes (let's see if you can predict it).
Since the day Sir Zia told us that media studies entailed a group project, I knew I wanted to be in a team with Maroosh, Myiesha, and Tashfa, but no one truly made the first step. Therefore I may have impulsively made a WhatsApp group with the four of us named "bazooka", and here we are. Myiesha is our artist and resident actress, who occasionally makes us feel like un-talented sacks of rice. Maroosh manages most of our logistical and promotional work, and is unofficially in-charge of reminding us to finish our tasks (literally every 2 hours). Tashfa is our writter, who comes up with scripts and ideas whilst having a cup of coffee (or 7 cups). I handle the camera work, editing, and designing, which occasionally leads to dysfunctional screaming when I forget to save any project files.
I think that we make a great team; I'm just curious to see if we end up hating each other next year xD.
Tashfa's Blog; https://tashfaaa.wixsite.com/supercut
Maroosh's Blog: https://marooshshaheen.wordpress.com/
Myiesha's Blog: https://doingmyti.wixsite.com/flashcam