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BTS (no, not the k-pop boy-band)

Making our task truly made us all think about how there is so much more to producing the perfect films we watch in cinemas (or Netflix for Maroosh because she is too lazy to go outside). Behind the scenes, there is always more logistical planning, retries, discussions and disagreements, and screams.

The first thing we did was pick out a location for our hospital, and while we were walking down from our class to the basement, we realized that this is the perfect place to shoot (because it is borderline creepy).

We decided to shoot on 19th February. We all came to school early and met in the basement, but I may have been 5 minutes late because I was eating chips. We first assembled our equipment and props. Myiesha brought makeup to draw scars (that I may one day steal) as well as blue hospital patient scrubs. Maroosh bought a hospital file, and managed to get us a lab coat after convincing (forcing) her friend to give us one and Tashfa brought the script (which she wrote half asleep). I brought my camera, a Nikon D3400, a tripod, and a clapperboard which we may have played with for 15 minutes.

We printed out death reporting forms from the internet and then filled them out. We searched up a list of surgeries that a bomb blast victim may need (yes we truly all became doctors). Our hypothetical doctor's name was Shaheen Maroosh Esha Durrani, because none of us geniuses knows how to read properly. We left a couple of spaces empty, so that we can fill them and capture it on camera. While Maroosh and Tashfa were filling the form, I was setting up the camera and Myiesha was drawing scars on her face.

We then started shooting, and credit where credit is due, Myiesha is an amazing actress. We were able to wrap up all of her shots in less than an hour, however, we quickly realized that we don't have enough time to shoot the scenes with the doctor, so we decided to push the shooting to another day.

Fast-forward to 22nd Febuary, we finished our shooting. We may have snuck into our Art Teacher's office to shoot the last scene, but it was definitely worth it.

All in all, we definitely learnt a lot from shooting, and we realized that we do in fact make a great team (if we use more than 2 brain cells each). We figured out multiple things that we want to do, and things we want to avoid for our final film opening by making this preliminary task, and we were glad we got to practice beforehand.


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